Bromley Wedding Photographer Kent
Bromley Wedding Photographer Kent. I met Zia and Paul at a wedding fayre last year. I remember it clearly as they were a fantastic couple. They mentioned how much effort they had put into the planning of their wedding and also how much photography meant to them. They really wanted me to capture the whole day so that they could remember their wedding day for years to come. When I arrived to photograph Zia getting ready, I was literally greeted by a full house!! From Zia’s immediate family to close friends as well as best friends. There was a great atmosphere.
Club Langley
At the wedding venue in Bromley, Paul was very nervous… however, that did not last long as Paul’s friends were great at keeping him entertained which in turn made him feel a little more relaxed!!! One of the great things about Paul and Zia was that they really wanted everybody to have a great time so they had organised a bouncy castle and a fantastic bucking bronco. Zia really wanted me to have a go… I was sooo tempted however the queue was so long that I would have been waiting for ages (well that’s my story anyway!)
All in all it was a fantastic day with great entertainment wherever you looked. A big Thank You to Paul and Zia for booking me… I wish you both a fantastic married life together!!!
Check out my other recent Wedding Photography
Check out my other recent Wedding Photography
Get in touch
I am a friendly, keen, enthusiastic and incredibly passionate photographer who puts lots of energy and emphasis on making my clients happy. Please feel free to check out my services and my testimonials to see what my previous clients have said about me.
If you like what you see and would like to hire me, please contact me to discuss your requirements. You can fill out the form on the contact me page and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Alternatively you can call me on 07977 20 40 44. I am a London Wedding Photographer and would like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog for Bromley Wedding Photographer Kent and I really hope you like the images.